About Author: The Happy Vaper

This is my blog, where I hope to document my journey into the world of vaping. I'm not a smoker, I'm a vaper and I'm happy about it!

Posts by The Happy Vaper

  • UK Vapefest 2010 is taking place on Saturday 23rd October 2010 at the Plough & Harrow, Tamworth.
Check www.ukvapefest.com for full details, or ask at the UK Vapefest forum

    UK Vapefest 2010

    UK Vapefest 2010 is taking place on Saturday 23rd October 2010 at the Plough & Harrow, Tamworth. Check www.ukvapefest.com for full details, or ask at the UK Vapefest forum

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  • A month ago, I'd never even heard the term "vaping", although I had heard of e-Cigarettes and had been curious for a while.

    Welcome to The Happy Vaper Blog

    A month ago, I'd never even heard the term "vaping", although I had heard of e-Cigarettes and had been curious for a while.

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