So the 27th April elections went off without a hitch despite yours truly being the “technical host” (which in turn was due to the Hifistud being temporarily exiled to Filey)! […]
Following on from the inaugural meeting held on 6th April, a further meeting was held on Tuesday 12th April, but was unfortunately curtailed due to technical problems. Therefore the meeting […]
The Jazz Cartopipe from Alexandru Gherghe (forum name Romaniac) is the first e-pipe I’ve owned, although I’ve seen / tried a couple of others at vape meets and not been […]
The Integrity from Dave’s Devices is a juice fed box mod from the maker of the AA Box Mod I reviewed previously. Unlike the compact AA box mod however, the […]
The Liberro Realis is a kit that comprises a small battery, six cartomisers and a nice portable charging case (PCC) for transporting and recharging your e-cig.