Vapour Trails TV

I’ve been a little low on output here at Happy Vaper HQ recently and am way behind with several reviews and updates, so if I promised you a review or anything I’ll be catching up in the next day or two!

The reasons for my apparent lack of productivity are a minor religious festival / celebration that’s just about finished now, but mostly a new project I’m working on with the Hifistud (Dave Dorn) and Smoke2Vape (Andy Sutton). Together, we are launching a new web TV channel dedicated to electronic cigarettes and vaping called Vapour Trails TV.

You can already see the fledgling website at which does bear a slight resemblance to this one. VTTV aims to launch on 6th February 2011, and will feature five hours per week of electronic smoking news, reviews and how-tos which we hope will appeal to old and new vapers alike.

From a personal point of view I’m incredibly excited to be working with Dave D and Andy, both of whom are well known in UK e-smoking circles with a huge back catalogue of forum and video based reviews already under their belts.Live!

A key characteristic of VTTV will be live broadcasts, where we will utilise text chat to make some shows interactive with the audience, so we can really talk about the things you want to hear about. We’ve been busy working on the technology to provide live video interviews with suppliers and experts, including key members of the UK vaping community.

I hope you can join us on launch night 6th February 2011, but until then keep checking for the latest news and developments.