PureSmoker Icon Electronic Cigarette Switch Upgrade

This video from Vapourtrails TV shows the process of upgrading the switch on the PureSmoker Icon from version 1.0 to 1.1. I also took the opportunity to perform some long overdue maintenance on my favourite 14500 mod.

It’s pretty straight forward to do, and since performing the upgrade, I’ve noticed significantly better performance of the switch in use.

If you have the original “Version 1.0” Icon, you can pick up the switch upgrade kit from Cloud 9 Vaping here in the UK, which is the same kit needed to upgrade the PureSmoker Prodigy from version 3.0 to 3.1.

Originally broadcast as part of my show on www.vapourtrails.tv on 13th March 2011. To see the full VTTV episode, click here.