ECCAUK – E-Cigarette Consumer Association of the UK is formed.

Last night, the 6th April 2011, a meeting of electronic cigarette users attended an online event to discuss the creation of a new UK consumer association to represent them during the challenging months that lie ahead for those that enjoy a healthier alternative to smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes.

The meeting was held using a combination of online audio conferencing and live broadcast via VapourTrails.TV with participation from the audience via a chat-room facility. For the inaugural meeting, ECF’s Rolygate took the chair with approximately fifty participants providing excellent input via a variety of mediums!

It was established that the fledgling organisation will be known as the E-Cigarette Consumer Association of the UK (ECCAUK), and will provide an internet presence in due course at

A follow on meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 12th April 2011 at 9:30pm and I’d encourage anyone with an interest or concern about electronic cigarettes, or the new association itself to attend. Full details of how to participate can be found on this thread on the UK Vapers forum, together with ongoing discussion on developing a mission statement for the association to adopt.

[pullquote]…but we clearly need good people to contribute during these formative stages and make sure we have an association that we can both support and have confidence in…[/pullquote]Having attended the meeting (primarily as technical facilitator) I was hugely encouraged by the number of people who “tuned in” to see what was going on and shout out ideas, but a little disappointed at the lack of enthusiasm of the majority to actually volunteer to become active. That may sound harsh, but we clearly need good people to contribute during these formative stages and make sure we have an association that we can both support and have confidence in. Thankfully “a few good men” have put their names forward to attend and chair the meeting next week, and I’m hoping that some of the initial cynicism may have faded by then and we’ll see some of the usually more vocal members of the UK vaping community throw their hats in the ring. C’mon guys – your community needs you! Now!!


At this time, the continued availability of electronic cigarettes in the UK is definitely not assured. The MHRA have clearly stated their intentions and will seek to regulate or license electronic cigarettes and nicotine liquid when they deliver their findings of Consultation MLX364 in 2013. This is obviously a concern for the electronic cigarette industry and the Electronic Cigarette Industry Trade Association (ECITA) will campaign hard to stop them. Currently however, we as consumers are not specifically represented and this needs to change. [pullquote]If you are reading this and wondering ” what it’s all about”? and “what it’s got to do with me”?, I’d again encourage you to read this thread on the UK Vapers forum…[/pullquote] I’d like to thank Rolygate for doing all of the running so far on this, without him we would still all be twiddling our thumbs and waiting for something to happen. If you are reading this and wondering ” what it’s all about”? and “what it’s got to do with me”?, I’d again encourage you to read this thread on the UK Vapers forum. There is currently a window of opportunity to ensure that the things that concern you are considered and right people are elected, so make sure your voice is heard.


For personal reasons I have decided not to stand for any formal position within the organisation when the time to appoint people arrives. I will however support the ECCAUK in any way I can, particularly in these early stages.

See you on the 12th April, 9:30pm BST.